Distant Healing Is Not a Dream but A Reality
More and more people are getting to know about Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese art which helps in removing blockages of energy flow in our body which generally develops due to stress, anxiety, depression etc. It aims at channelizing energy with the help of touch, concentration and establishing a connection between the therapist and the client. Reiki Healing in Orlando is practiced daily and is already getting very popular. Due to its positive feedback and fabulous results, reiki has now been introduced in care centers and hospitals as well. Though it is not solely prescribed to cure chronic diseases however it is complimentarily used along with medicines and treatments in hospitals and care centers. It has been seen that when introduced with proper care along with other mediums by a professional has provided outstanding results. The best part about Reiki is that a physical contact is not always necessary and a person who is virtually present or is even located in some other part...